Welcome to the first in a series of Second Life & Firestorm tricks, tips and hacks. The truth is, a lot of people who are active in Second Life are really not that technical and find that the interface in the browser of Firestorm can be overwhelming and confusing with so many options, menus and technical options...(and, yes, I know some of you are using Linden Lab's own browser, but I haven't used that in a decade and so some of this may not be relevant to you, but hopefully much of it will be!).
What strikes me is that there are still many everyday things in Second Life a lot of people, not just noobs, don't realize you can do. I am going to start this series by giving a few examples of things I am often shocked to realize people don't know about or don't know you can do. Then I'm going to invite you to send me questions and comments so in the next part of this tutorial I can dig deeper into some of those things and give some insight into them :)
- You can zoom your camera around like a drone, you are not restricted to seeing everything from the point of view of your avatar! That's right, you can zoom in and out to see things that are far away! I am always amazed to see people's avatars standing up close to a wall trying to see something for sale or look at a picture or whatever it is. There's no need to do this, and if you are one of those people who still don't realize that it's possible, let me know and we'll go through a tutorial on how to use that camera!
- Know that there's a unicorn-themed-bathtub somewhere in the store but you just cannot seem to find it anywhere? Use the Area Search feature [under the World menu]: type in the name of thing you're looking for and hit enter. Use the filter tab to select/deselect options if you're not finding it, or there's too many things showing up. You can then 'zoom' to that object or even (if the land permissions allow it) teleport directly to it!